Foshan Nanhai Yongkun precision electromechanical Co., Ltd!

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Tel:151 1874 4788 Su Gong

Tel:151 1874 4777 Pan Gong



Address: Block D, No.2 Lianhe Avenue, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

Company dynamics

To celebrate the national day, Yongkun Electric Co., Ltd. will arrange the National Day holiday in 2019

Source: Time:2019-09-30 10:52:00 views:


It's another national day, so happy
It's only one day before the national day. The bustle everywhere makes Xiaobian feel stronger than the new year.
Recently, everyone sang the same song "my dearest motherland, I am always close to your heart......"
Yes, everyone's side or heart silently sang the same song "my country and I"
Have you thought about how to spend the National Day holiday?
The National Day holiday in 2019 of Yongkun Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. is arranged in this way. I wish you a happy holiday and the prosperity of our country.
Foshan Yongkun motor National Day holiday arrangement


Su Gong
Pan Gong
Dai Gong
